Sunday, October 25, 2009


This was on Page 9 of today's Sunday Times (25th Oct 2009) in Hyderabad.

Don't think the newspaper allowed it to be placed in the obituary section so the "Family & Friends" must have bought this advertising space instead.


Anonymous said...

WTF! Rich, Arrogant people have always found new ways to piss me off. Obituary for a dead parrot?

Dinesh Aditya said...

Mr. Anonymous here sounds like Walter from "The Big Lebowski".
Not that I don't agree with him!

DuffuTalks said...

Appu must be only pet of childless couple

sravani said...

gotta disagree wid anonymous here.just cuz dey had an obituary published 4 their parrot dosent mean they're rollin in money. sounds more like the poor but noble hero stereotype from 90's telugu films.

Dinesh Aditya said...

I had people tell me that this and that dog obituary post were in bad taste..that I was trampling on somebody's grief.
But this ad space (for obvious reasons not in the nominally charged obituary section) must have cost 10k they are safely rich. I understand anonymous getting annoyed...dont know why he took it as a personal message though!