In Barkatpura, located next to the Employee's Provident Fund Office is an old well-maintained art deco building. The property is currently occupied so a closer look was not possible, but I managed to get this photograph of a mural on the exterior wall of the building on my cellphone. The year on it reads 1933 and appropriate for those times it depicts a Hindenburg-style airship, a giant ocean liner, an eiffel tower like structure and a skyscraper among other smaller industrial design elements.
Cool! To bad the details are no so easy to see.. Do you have any more photos of it?
The security of the bungalow didn't allow a closer that is the only photo I could take from the road. The building itself is prominent with big gates, a hospital right opposite to it, Employee's Provident Fund Office located next to it and the Barkatpura chaman close by. But this particular mural is visible from the road.
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