Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Eternal Rest in Hyderabad

Place of Birth and especially the Place of Death are often neglected areas of macabre research. On the subject, the Philadelphia-born comedian W.C.Fields' cheeky yet candid suggestion for his own tombstone epitaph reads: 

"Here lies W. C. Fields. I would rather be living in Philadelphia." 


The decade old Microsoft X-Box 'Life is Short, Play More' advertisement (above) captures the trite 'Life is a Journey' expression literally. The emphasis is inadvertently not on on the actual elaborate scalar distance covered but the vector-geometric concept of displacement - the effective spatial journey covered in life to 'eternal rest'.

On page 8 of today's Time of India (Hyderabad version), an obituary message declared yet another beloved dog's passing away a year ago. The owners/family came out with not just the Date of Birth and Death of Death but also quite uniquely - the places of these events. Unlike the more popular human destination of Heaven and the significantly less trendy Hell, dogs apparently prefer a different place of 'Eternal Rest' - Hyderabad!